Knit Wits

Whether you are a member of the Knit Wits Club here at HCC, or you just want to learn how to knit (or crochet), this is the page for you! Access links to instructions and videos, patterns, and other info about knitting/crocheting right here!

The Knit Wits Club is run by Mrs. Pinheiro, Ms. Zebregts and Mrs. Zammit and meets every Thursday at lunch time! Whether you're a newbie, beginner or pro, come and join us!

Get the basics right here with the following instructional sheets that feature links to videos to help you get your technique down!​​

Loom knitters! Scroll down to see some links to great loom knitting sites with tutorials and patterns.​


Learn to CAST ON Stitches​

Learn the KNIT Stitch

​​​​​​​Learn the PURL Stitch​




Here are some terrific knitting/crochet-related sites for you to try:

Ravelry - This is Facebook for knitters (and crocheters)! Connect with other knitters, find a new pattern to knit or crochet, keep track of your collection of needles and hooks, learn about a new type of yarn. It's all right here! Note that you do have to register to use this site.

Pinterest - Another great site to get ideas and patterns!​

Lion Brand Yarn - If you need more help learning to knit or crochet, this site features great instructions and videos, and tons of free patterns. You do have to register on this site in order to enjoy the patterns, but you can access the Learning Centre as a guest.

Bernat Yarnspirations - Another terrific site to find great project ideas and patterns.
Red Heart Yarns - This site also features plenty of free patterns and instructions to help you build your skills as a knitter/crocheter.​


Loom Knitting with Isela - Isela Phelps is author of the book, Loom Knitting Primer. This web site features some links to terrific tutorials and patterns.

Loom Knitting Basics (PDF) - From Isela Phelps' site, this 22-page guide gives you all the instructions you need to get started with loom knitting.

Knitting Pattern Central: Loom Knitting - This web page provides links to many terrific loom knitting projects available online.

Lion Brand Loom Knit Patterns - Lion Brand Yarn features several pages of loom knit patterns for you to explore and try out. NOTE: You may need to register as a user in order to access the patterns.​