
  1. While on the Holy Cross campus, motor vehicles are subject to regulation. All students wishing to drive motor vehicles must obtain a parking permit, which is to be prominently displayed on the dashboard.
  2. Student motor vehicles should be used exclusively for transportation only to and from the student's home. Exceptions may be permitted upon parental request and with the school's permission.
  3. It is specifically forbidden to use a motor vehicle for storage or socializing on school property.
  4. Vehicles must only enter and exit via the front driveway and parking lot.
  5. Student drivers must obey the speed limit (30 km/hr.)
  6. Cars must be parked in the community entrance parking lot when on campus. Cars parked in the staff parking lot will be towed at the owners expense.
  7. Bicycles are allowed but discouraged because of the heavy volume of traffic on Second Street.
  8. All bicycles are to be chained outside and may not be brought into the school during the day.